I've made a very simple real-time, interactive Bullet physics simulation of a bouncing light-emitting cube, rendered using the Brigade 2 path tracer with 8 spp per frame on a low-end GTS 450 (render resolution is 320x240 to keep the framerate acceptable). The simulation can be paused and resumed and the image converges when nothing moves. The scene contains 12733 triangles.

thank you for your really nice blog.
I would like to learn from the code too.
I've searched the net, but only find Brigade 1 source code. Could you please tell us, where we could get brigade 2 ?
Thanks again
Hi, the Brigade 2 code is not open source at the moment, but Jacco Bikker posted some snippets of the CUDA path tracing code at
thanks for the answer :)
You did your demo from those snippets ?
Anyway great job and i hope he will open it to the community.
No, I've got the full code :)
hmmm ! :p
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