Friday, February 24, 2012

Crash course, a new Brigade powered game

Roeny (one of Brigades developers) and eikons from IGAD have sent me a link to a funny looking game, which is rendered with real-time path tracing using the Brigade engine. The game was made for the Global Game Jam 2012,  in which small teams of game development students (programmers, artists and level designers) have to come up with an idea and develop a complete game within a strict time budget of 48 hours.

The game is also available for download at 

To run it, you'll need a pretty powerful machine with SM 2.0 CUDA enabled GPUs (Fermi and up).


  1. When you said SM 2.0, thought backto the days of DirectX 8.something

    Is there a better term for these things than SM?

  2. Odd choice of game to make to explore raytracing, i mean it doesn't look much better then a mobile game in an environment like that, yet it takes quite a bit of power to run.

  3. RPG: yeah compute capability is probably a better term.

    anonymous: I think it's a hell of an accomplishment, keep in mind that the game art was developed from scratch in just 48 hours (sleeping and eating included :)

  4. RPG: SM 2.0 =/= shader model 2.0 (directx 9 not 9.0c) but yes it's equal CC (compute capability) 2.0.

    CC 1.0 - GeForce 8 series have G80 chip except 8xxx/9xxx - G92 chip
    CC 1.1 - G9x chip as 8xxx/9xxx
    CC 1.2 - GeForce Mobile
    CC 1.3 - GT200 chip
    CC 2.0 or better - GF100 - GeForce 400 series or later

    regards. ;)
