Tuesday, December 1, 2015

GPU path tracing tutorial 2: interactive triangle mesh path tracing

While the tutorial from the previous post was about path tracing simple scenes made of spheres, this tutorial will focus on how to build a very simple path tracer with support for loading and rendering triangle meshes. Instead of rendering the entire image in the background and saving it to a file as was done in the last tutorial, this path tracer displays an interactive viewport which shows progressively rendered updates. This way we can see the rendered image from the first pass and watch it converge to a noise free result (which can take some time in the case of path tracing triangle meshes without using acceleration structures).

For this tutorial I decided to modify the code of a real-time CUDA ray tracer developed by Peter Trier from the Alexandra Institute in 2009 (described in this blog post), because it's very compact, does not use any external libraries (except for CUDA-OpenGL interoperability) and provides a simple obj loader for triangle meshes. I modified the ray tracing kernel to handle path tracing (without recursion) using the path tracing code from the previous tutorial, added support for perfectly reflective and refractive materials (like glass) based on the code of smallpt. The random number generator from the previous post has been replaced with CUDA's own random number generation library provided by curand(), which is less prone to patterns at low sample rates and has more uniform distribution properties. The seed calculation is based on a trick described in a post on RichieSam's blog.

Features of this path tracer

- primitive types: supports spheres, boxes and triangles/triangle meshes
- material types: support for perfectly diffuse, perfectly reflective and perfectly refractive materials
- progressive rendering
- interactive viewport displaying intermediate rendering results

Scratch-a-Pixel has some excellent lessons on ray tracing triangles and triangle meshes, which discuss barycentric coordinates, backface culling and the fast Muller-Trumbore ray/triangle intersection algorithm that is also used in the code for this tutorial:

- ray tracing triangles: http://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/ray-tracing-rendering-a-triangle

- ray tracing polygon meshes: http://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-rendering/ray-tracing-polygon-mesh

The code is one big CUDA file with lots of comments and can be found on my Github repository.

Github repository link: https://github.com/straaljager/GPU-path-tracing-tutorial-2 

Some screenshots

Performance optimisations

- triangle edges are precomputed to speed up ray intersection computation and triangles are stored as (first vertex, edge1, edge2)
- ray/triangle intersection uses the fast Muller-Trumbore technique
- triangle data is stored in the GPU's texture memory which is cached and is a bit faster than global memory because fetching data from textures is accelerated in hardware. The texture cache is also optimized for 2D spatial locality, so threads that access addresses in texture memory that are close together in 2D will achieve best performance. 
- triangle data is aligned in float4s (128 bits) for coalesced memory access, maximising memory throughput,  (see https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/#device-memory-accesses and http://blog.spectralstudios.net/raytracing/realtime-raytracing-part-3/#more-573)
- for expensive functions (such as sin() and sqrt()), compute fast approximations using single precision intrinsic math functions such as __sinf(), __powf(), __fdividef(): these functions are performed in hardware by the special function units (SFU) on the GPU and are much faster than the standard divide and sin/cos functions at the cost of precision and robustness in corner cases (see https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/#intrinsic-functions
- to speed up the ray tracing an axis aligned bounding box is created around the triangle mesh. Only rays hitting this box are intersected with the mesh. Without this box,  all rays would have to be tested against every triangle for intersection, which is unbearably slow.

In the next tutorial, we'll have a look at implementing an acceleration structure, which speeds up the rendering by several orders of magnitude. This blog post provides  a good overview of the most recent research in ray tracing acceleration structures for the GPU. There will also be an interactive camera to allow real-time navigation through the scene with depth of field and supersampled anti-aliasing (and there are still lots of optimisations). 


Monday, October 5, 2015

GPU path tracing tutorial 1: Drawing First Blood

In early 2011 I developed a simple real-time path traced Pong game together with Kerrash on top of an open source GPU path tracer called tokaspt (developed by Thierry Berger-Perrin) which could only render spheres, but was bloody fast at it. The physics were bodged, but the game proved that path tracing of very simple scenes at 30 fps was feasible, although a bit noisy. You can still download it from https://code.google.com/p/tokap-the-once-known-as-pong/. Since that time I've always wanted to write a short and simple tutorial about GPU path tracing to show how to make your GPU draw an image with high quality ray traced colour bleeding with a minimum of code and now is a good time to do exactly that.

This tutorial is not meant as an introduction to ray tracing or path tracing as there are plenty of excellent ray tracing tutorials for beginners online such as Scratch-a-Pixel (also check out the old version which contains more articles) and Minilight (more links at the bottom of this article). The goal of this tutorial is simply to show how incredibly easy it is to turn a simple CPU path tracer into a CUDA accelerated version. Being a fan of the KISS principle from design and engineering (Keep It Simple Stupid) and aiming to avoid unnecessary complexity, I've chosen to cudafy Kevin Beason's smallpt, the most basic but still fully functional CPU path tracer around. It's a very short piece of code that doesn't require the user to install any tedious libraries to compile the code (apart from Nvidia's CUDA Toolkit).

The full CPU version of smallpt can be found at http://www.kevinbeason.com/smallpt/ Due to its compactness the code is not very easy to read, but fortunately David Cline made a great Powerpoint presentation explaining what each line in smallpt is doing with references to Peter Shirley's "Realistic Ray Tracing" book. 

To keep things simple and free of needless clutter, I've stripped out the code for the tent filter, supersampling, Russian Roulette and the material BRDFs for reflective and refractive materials, leaving only the diffuse BRDF. The 3D vector class from smallpt is replaced by CUDA's own built-in float3 type (built-in CUDA types are more efficient due to automatic memory alignment) which has the same linear algebra math functions as a vector such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, normalize, length, dot product and cross product. For reasons of code clarity, there is no error checking when initialising CUDA. To compile the code, save the code in a file with ".cu" file extension and follow these CUDA installation guides to install Nvidia's GPU Computing Toolkit and configure the programming tools to work with CUDA.

After reading the slides from David Cline, the commented code below should speak for itself, but feel free to drop me a comment below if some things are still not clear.

So without further ado, here's the full CUDA code (also on Github at https://github.com/straaljager/GPU-path-tracing-tutorial-1):

// smallptCUDA by Sam Lapere, 2015
// based on smallpt, a path tracer by Kevin Beason, 2008  
#include <iostream>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <vector_types.h>
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <cutil_math.h> // from http://www.icmc.usp.br/~castelo/CUDA/common/inc/cutil_math.h

#define M_PI 3.14159265359f  // pi
#define width 512  // screenwidth
#define height 384 // screenheight
#define samps 1024 // samples 

// __device__ : executed on the device (GPU) and callable only from the device

struct Ray { 
 float3 orig; // ray origin
 float3 dir;  // ray direction 
 __device__ Ray(float3 o_, float3 d_) : orig(o_), dir(d_) {} 

enum Refl_t { DIFF, SPEC, REFR };  // material types, used in radiance(), only DIFF used here

struct Sphere {

 float rad;            // radius 
 float3 pos, emi, col; // position, emission, colour 
 Refl_t refl;          // reflection type (e.g. diffuse)

__device__ float intersect_sphere(const Ray &r) const { 
 // ray/sphere intersection
 // returns distance t to intersection point, 0 if no hit  
 // ray equation: p(x,y,z) = ray.orig + t*ray.dir
 // general sphere equation: x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = rad^2 
 // classic quadratic equation of form ax^2 + bx + c = 0 
 // solution x = (-b +- sqrt(b*b - 4ac)) / 2a
 // solve t^2*ray.dir*ray.dir + 2*t*(orig-p)*ray.dir + (orig-p)*(orig-p) - rad*rad = 0 
 // more details in "Realistic Ray Tracing" book by P. Shirley or Scratchapixel.com

  float3 op = pos - r.orig;    // distance from ray.orig to center sphere 
  float t, epsilon = 0.0001f;  // epsilon required to prevent floating point precision artefacts
  float b = dot(op, r.dir);    // b in quadratic equation
  float disc = b*b - dot(op, op) + rad*rad;  // discriminant quadratic equation
  if (disc<0) return 0;       // if disc < 0, no real solution (we're not interested in complex roots) 
   else disc = sqrtf(disc);    // if disc >= 0, check for solutions using negative and positive discriminant
  return (t = b - disc)>epsilon ? t : ((t = b + disc)>epsilon ? t : 0); // pick closest point in front of ray origin

// 9 spheres forming a Cornell box
// small enough to be in constant GPU memory
// { float radius, { float3 position }, { float3 emission }, { float3 colour }, refl_type }
__constant__ Sphere spheres[] = {
 { 1e5f, { 1e5f + 1.0f, 40.8f, 81.6f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 0.75f, 0.25f, 0.25f }, DIFF }, //Left 
 { 1e5f, { -1e5f + 99.0f, 40.8f, 81.6f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { .25f, .25f, .75f }, DIFF }, //Right 
 { 1e5f, { 50.0f, 40.8f, 1e5f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { .75f, .75f, .75f }, DIFF }, //Back 
 { 1e5f, { 50.0f, 40.8f, -1e5f + 600.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f }, DIFF }, //Frnt 
 { 1e5f, { 50.0f, 1e5f, 81.6f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { .75f, .75f, .75f }, DIFF }, //Botm 
 { 1e5f, { 50.0f, -1e5f + 81.6f, 81.6f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { .75f, .75f, .75f }, DIFF }, //Top 
 { 16.5f, { 27.0f, 16.5f, 47.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, DIFF }, // small sphere 1
 { 16.5f, { 73.0f, 16.5f, 78.0f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }, DIFF }, // small sphere 2
 { 600.0f, { 50.0f, 681.6f - .77f, 81.6f }, { 2.0f, 1.8f, 1.6f }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }, DIFF }  // Light

__device__ inline bool intersect_scene(const Ray &r, float &t, int &id){

 float n = sizeof(spheres) / sizeof(Sphere), d, inf = t = 1e20;  // t is distance to closest intersection, initialise t to a huge number outside scene
 for (int i = int(n); i--;)  // test all scene objects for intersection
  if ((d = spheres[i].intersect_sphere(r)) && d<t){  // if newly computed intersection distance d is smaller than current closest intersection distance
    t = d;  // keep track of distance along ray to closest intersection point 
    id = i; // and closest intersected object
 return t<inf; // returns true if an intersection with the scene occurred, false when no hit

// random number generator from https://github.com/gz/rust-raytracer

__device__ static float getrandom(unsigned int *seed0, unsigned int *seed1) {
 *seed0 = 36969 * ((*seed0) & 65535) + ((*seed0) >> 16);  // hash the seeds using bitwise AND and bitshifts
 *seed1 = 18000 * ((*seed1) & 65535) + ((*seed1) >> 16);

 unsigned int ires = ((*seed0) << 16) + (*seed1);

 // Convert to float
 union {
  float f;
  unsigned int ui;
 } res;

 res.ui = (ires & 0x007fffff) | 0x40000000;  // bitwise AND, bitwise OR

 return (res.f - 2.f) / 2.f;

// radiance function, the meat of path tracing 
// solves the rendering equation: 
// outgoing radiance (at a point) = emitted radiance + reflected radiance
// reflected radiance is sum (integral) of incoming radiance from all directions in hemisphere above point, 
// multiplied by reflectance function of material (BRDF) and cosine incident angle 
__device__ float3 radiance(Ray &r, unsigned int *s1, unsigned int *s2){ // returns ray color

 float3 accucolor = make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // accumulates ray colour with each iteration through bounce loop
 float3 mask = make_float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); 

 // ray bounce loop (no Russian Roulette used) 
 for (int bounces = 0; bounces < 4; bounces++){  // iteration up to 4 bounces (replaces recursion in CPU code)

  float t;           // distance to closest intersection 
  int id = 0;        // index of closest intersected sphere 

// test ray for intersection with scene
  if (!intersect_scene(r, t, id))
   return make_float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // if miss, return black

  // else, we've got a hit!
  // compute hitpoint and normal
  const Sphere &obj = spheres[id];  // hitobject
  float3 x = r.orig + r.dir*t;          // hitpoint 
  float3 n = normalize(x - obj.pos);    // normal
  float3 nl = dot(n, r.dir) < 0 ? n : n * -1; // front facing normal

  // add emission of current sphere to accumulated colour
  // (first term in rendering equation sum) 
  accucolor += mask * obj.emi;

  // all spheres in the scene are diffuse
  // diffuse material reflects light uniformly in all directions
  // generate new diffuse ray:
  // origin = hitpoint of previous ray in path
  // random direction in hemisphere above hitpoint (see "Realistic Ray Tracing", P. Shirley)

  // create 2 random numbers
  float r1 = 2 * M_PI * getrandom(s1, s2); // pick random number on unit circle (radius = 1, circumference = 2*Pi) for azimuth
  float r2 = getrandom(s1, s2);  // pick random number for elevation
  float r2s = sqrtf(r2); 

  // compute local orthonormal basis uvw at hitpoint to use for calculation random ray direction 
  // first vector = normal at hitpoint, second vector is orthogonal to first, third vector is orthogonal to first two vectors
  float3 w = nl; 
  float3 u = normalize(cross((fabs(w.x) > .1 ? make_float3(0, 1, 0) : make_float3(1, 0, 0)), w));  
  float3 v = cross(w,u);

  // compute random ray direction on hemisphere using polar coordinates
  // cosine weighted importance sampling (favours ray directions closer to normal direction)
  float3 d = normalize(u*cos(r1)*r2s + v*sin(r1)*r2s + w*sqrtf(1 - r2));

  // new ray origin is intersection point of previous ray with scene
  r.orig = x + nl*0.05f; // offset ray origin slightly to prevent self intersection
  r.dir = d;

  mask *= obj.col;    // multiply with colour of object       
  mask *= dot(d,nl);  // weigh light contribution using cosine of angle between incident light and normal
  mask *= 2;          // fudge factor

 return accucolor;

// __global__ : executed on the device (GPU) and callable only from host (CPU) 
// this kernel runs in parallel on all the CUDA threads

__global__ void render_kernel(float3 *output){

 // assign a CUDA thread to every pixel (x,y) 
 // blockIdx, blockDim and threadIdx are CUDA specific keywords
 // replaces nested outer loops in CPU code looping over image rows and image columns 
 unsigned int x = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;   
 unsigned int y = blockIdx.y*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

 unsigned int i = (height - y - 1)*width + x; // index of current pixel (calculated using thread index) 

 unsigned int s1 = x;  // seeds for random number generator
 unsigned int s2 = y;

// generate ray directed at lower left corner of the screen
// compute directions for all other rays by adding cx and cy increments in x and y direction
 Ray cam(make_float3(50, 52, 295.6), normalize(make_float3(0, -0.042612, -1))); // first hardcoded camera ray(origin, direction) 
 float3 cx = make_float3(width * .5135 / height, 0.0f, 0.0f); // ray direction offset in x direction
 float3 cy = normalize(cross(cx, cam.dir)) * .5135; // ray direction offset in y direction (.5135 is field of view angle)
 float3 r; // r is final pixel color       
 r = make_float3(0.0f); // reset r to zero for every pixel 

 for (int s = 0; s < samps; s++){  // samples per pixel
  // compute primary ray direction
  float3 d = cam.dir + cx*((.25 + x) / width - .5) + cy*((.25 + y) / height - .5);
  // create primary ray, add incoming radiance to pixelcolor
  r = r + radiance(Ray(cam.orig + d * 40, normalize(d)), &s1, &s2)*(1. / samps); 
 }       // Camera rays are pushed ^^^^^ forward to start in interior 

 // write rgb value of pixel to image buffer on the GPU, clamp value to [0.0f, 1.0f] range
 output[i] = make_float3(clamp(r.x, 0.0f, 1.0f), clamp(r.y, 0.0f, 1.0f), clamp(r.z, 0.0f, 1.0f));

inline float clamp(float x){ return x < 0.0f ? 0.0f : x > 1.0f ? 1.0f : x; } 

inline int toInt(float x){ return int(pow(clamp(x), 1 / 2.2) * 255 + .5); }  // convert RGB float in range [0,1] to int in range [0, 255] and perform gamma correction

int main(){

 float3* output_h = new float3[width*height]; // pointer to memory for image on the host (system RAM)
 float3* output_d;    // pointer to memory for image on the device (GPU VRAM)

 // allocate memory on the CUDA device (GPU VRAM)
 cudaMalloc(&output_d, width * height * sizeof(float3));
 // dim3 is CUDA specific type, block and grid are required to schedule CUDA threads over streaming multiprocessors
 dim3 block(8, 8, 1);   
 dim3 grid(width / block.x, height / block.y, 1);

 printf("CUDA initialised.\nStart rendering...\n");
 // schedule threads on device and launch CUDA kernel from host
 render_kernel <<< grid, block >>>(output_d);  

 // copy results of computation from device back to host
 cudaMemcpy(output_h, output_d, width * height *sizeof(float3), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);  
 // free CUDA memory


 // Write image to PPM file, a very simple image file format
 FILE *f = fopen("smallptcuda.ppm", "w");          
 fprintf(f, "P3\n%d %d\n%d\n", width, height, 255);
 for (int i = 0; i < width*height; i++)  // loop over pixels, write RGB values
  fprintf(f, "%d %d %d ", toInt(output_h[i].x),
 printf("Saved image to 'smallptcuda.ppm'\n");

 delete[] output_h;

Optionally, the following 3D vector algebra functions can be inserted at the top of the file instead of #including "cutil_math.h". Instead of creating a Vector3D class (with 3 floats), CUDA's built-in float3 type is used instead as built-in types have automated memory alignment and provide higher for performance. The "__host__ __device__" keywords in front of the functions allow them to run on both the CPU and GPU.

// 3D vector algebra from cutil_math.h
struct float3 {float x, y, z;};
typedef struct float3 float3;
// add
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator+(float3 a, float3 b){return make_float3(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z);}
inline __host__ __device__ void operator+=(float3 &a, float3 b){a.x += b.x; a.y += b.y; a.z += b.z;}
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator+(float3 a, float b){return make_float3(a.x + b, a.y + b, a.z + b);}
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator+(float b, float3 a){return make_float3(b + a.x, b + a.y, b + a.z);}
inline __host__ __device__ void operator+=(float3 &a, float b){a.x += b; a.y += b; a.z += b;}
// subtract
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator-(float3 a, float3 b){return make_float3(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z);}
inline __host__ __device__ void operator-=(float3 &a, float3 b){a.x -= b.x; a.y -= b.y; a.z -= b.z;}
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator-(float3 a, float b){return make_float3(a.x - b, a.y - b, a.z - b);}
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator-(float b, float3 a){return make_float3(b - a.x, b - a.y, b - a.z);}
inline __host__ __device__ void operator-=(float3 &a, float b){a.x -= b; a.y -= b; a.z -= b;}
// multiply
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator*(float3 a, float3 b){return make_float3(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y, a.z * b.z);}
inline __host__ __device__ void operator*=(float3 &a, float3 b){a.x *= b.x; a.y *= b.y; a.z *= b.z;}
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator*(float3 a, float b){return make_float3(a.x * b, a.y * b, a.z * b);}
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator*(float b, float3 a){return make_float3(b * a.x, b * a.y, b * a.z);}
inline __host__ __device__ void operator*=(float3 &a, float b){a.x *= b; a.y *= b; a.z *= b;}
// divide
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator/(float3 a, float3 b){return make_float3(a.x / b.x, a.y / b.y, a.z / b.z);}
inline __host__ __device__ void operator/=(float3 &a, float3 b){a.x /= b.x; a.y /= b.y; a.z /= b.z;}
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator/(float3 a, float b){return make_float3(a.x / b, a.y / b, a.z / b);}
inline __host__ __device__ void operator/=(float3 &a, float b){a.x /= b; a.y /= b; a.z /= b;}
inline __host__ __device__ float3 operator/(float b, float3 a){return make_float3(b / a.x, b / a.y, b / a.z);}
// min
inline __host__ __device__ float3 fminf(float3 a, float3 b){return make_float3(fminf(a.x, b.x), fminf(a.y, b.y), fminf(a.z, b.z));}
// max
inline __host__ __device__ float3 fmaxf(float3 a, float3 b){return make_float3(fmaxf(a.x, b.x), fmaxf(a.y, b.y), fmaxf(a.z, b.z));}
// lerp
inline __device__ __host__ float3 lerp(float3 a, float3 b, float t){return a + t*(b - a);}
// clamp value v between a and b
inline __device__ __host__ float clamp(float f, float a, float b){return fmaxf(a, fminf(f, b));}
inline __device__ __host__ float3 clamp(float3 v, float a, float b){return make_float3(clamp(v.x, a, b), clamp(v.y, a, b), clamp(v.z, a, b));}
inline __device__ __host__ float3 clamp(float3 v, float3 a, float3 b){return make_float3(clamp(v.x, a.x, b.x), clamp(v.y, a.y, b.y), clamp(v.z, a.z, b.z));}
// dot product
inline __host__ __device__ float dot(float3 a, float3 b){return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z;}
// length
inline __host__ __device__ float length(float3 v){return sqrtf(dot(v, v));}
// normalize
inline __host__ __device__ float3 normalize(float3 v){float invLen = rsqrtf(dot(v, v));return v * invLen;}
// floor
inline __host__ __device__ float3 floorf(float3 v){return make_float3(floorf(v.x), floorf(v.y), floorf(v.z));}
// frac
inline __host__ __device__ float fracf(float v){return v - floorf(v);}
inline __host__ __device__ float3 fracf(float3 v){return make_float3(fracf(v.x), fracf(v.y), fracf(v.z));}
// fmod
inline __host__ __device__ float3 fmodf(float3 a, float3 b){return make_float3(fmodf(a.x, b.x), fmodf(a.y, b.y), fmodf(a.z, b.z));}
// absolute value
inline __host__ __device__ float3 fabs(float3 v){return make_float3(fabs(v.x), fabs(v.y), fabs(v.z));}
// reflect 
//returns reflection of incident ray I around surface normal N
// N should be normalized, reflected vector's length is equal to length of I
inline __host__ __device__ float3 reflect(float3 i, float3 n){return i - 2.0f * n * dot(n, i);}
// cross product
inline __host__ __device__ float3 cross(float3 a, float3 b){return make_float3(a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y, a.z*b.x - a.x*b.z, a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x);}

Full code on Github:


In this example, it's pretty easy to turn C/C++ code into CUDA code (CUDA is a subset of the C language). The differences with the CPU version of smallpt are as follows:

  • smallpt's 3D Vector struct is replaced by CUDA's built-in float3 type (linear algebra vector functions for float3 are defined in cutil_math.h)
  • CUDA specific keyword __device__ before functions that should run on the GPU and are only callable from the GPU
  • CUDA specific keyword __global__ in front of the kernel that is called from the host (CPU) and which runs in parallel on all CUDA threads
  • a custom random number generator that runs on the GPU
  • as GPUs don't handle recursion well, the radiance function needs to be converted from a recursive function to an iterative function (see Richie Sam's blogpost or Karl Li's slides for more details) with a fixed number of bounces (Russian roulette could be implemented here to terminate paths with a certain probability, but I took it out for simplicity)
  • in a CPU raytracer, you loop over each pixel of the image with two nested loops (one for image rows and one for image columns). On the GPU the loops are replaced by a kernel which runs for each pixel in parallel. A global thread index is computed instead from the grid dimensions, block dimensions and local thread index. See http://www.3dgep.com/introduction-to-cuda-using-visual-studio-2008/ for more details
  • the main() function calls CUDA specific functions to allocate memory on the CUDA device (cudaMalloc()), launch the CUDA kernel using the "<<< grid, block >>>" syntax and copy the results (in this case the rendered image) from the GPU back to the CPU, where the image is saved in PPM format (a supersimple image format)

When running the code above, we get the following image (1024 samples per pixel, brute force path tracing):

Path traced color bleeding rendered entirely on the GPU! On my laptop's GPU (Geforce 840M) it renders about 24x faster than the multithreaded CPU version (laptop Core-i7 clocked at 2.00 Ghz). The neat thing here is that it only took about 100 lines (if you take out the comments) to get path tracing working on the GPU. The beauty lies in its simplicity.

Even though the path tracing code already works well, it is actually very unoptimized and there are many techniques to speed it up:

  • explicit light sampling (or next event estimation): sample the light source directly instead of using brute force path tracing. This makes an enormous difference in reducing noise.
  • jittered sampling (also called stratified sampling): instead of sampling a pixel randomly, divide the pixel up into a number of layers (strata) in which random sampling is performed. According to Peter Shirley's book this way of sampling (which is partly structured and partly random) is one of the most important noise reduction methods
  • better random number generators
  • various importance sampling strategies: this code already performs cosine weighted importance sampling for diffuse rays, favouring rays with directions that are closer to the normal (as they contribute more to the final image). See http://www.rorydriscoll.com/2009/01/07/better-sampling/.  
  • ray tracing acceleration structures: kd-trees, octrees, grids, bounding volume hierarchies provide massive speedups

GPU specific optimisations (see http://www.3dgep.com/optimizing-cuda-applications/ and Karl Li's course slides linked below):
  • using shared memory and registers whenever possible is many times faster than using global/local memory
  • memory alignment for coalesced reads from GPU memory
  • thread compaction: since CUDA launches a kernel in groups of 32 threads in parallel ("warps"), threads taking different code paths can give rise to thread divergence which reduces the GPU's occupancy. Thread compaction aims to mitigate the effects of thread divergence by bundling threads following similar code paths

I plan to cover the following topics (with CUDA implementations) in upcoming tutorials whenever I find some time:
  • an interactive viewport camera with progressive rendering, 
  • textures (and bump mapping), 
  • environment lighting, 
  • acceleration structures,  
  • triangles and triangle meshes
  • building more advanced features on top of Aila and Laine's GPU ray tracing framework which is also used by Blender's Cycles GPU renderer
  • dissecting some code snippets from Cycles GPU render or SmallLuxGPU 

References used:

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

FireRays, AMD's OpenCL based high performance ray tracing renderer

Pretty big news for GPU rendering: about 6 years after Nvidia released the source code of their high performance GPU ray tracing kernels and 4 years after Intel released Embree (high performance CPU ray tracing kernels), last week at Siggraph AMD finally released their own GPU rendering framework in the form of FireRays, an OpenCL based ray tracing SDK, first shown in prototype form at Siggraph 2014 by Takahiro Harada (who also conducted research into foveated ray tracing for VR):

The FireRays, SDK can be downloaded from the AMD Developer site: http://developer.amd.com/tools-and-sdks/graphics-development/firepro-sdk/

More details  can be found at http://developer.amd.com/tools-and-sdks/graphics-development/firepro-sdk/firerays-sdk/. The acceleration structure is a BVH with spatial splits and the option to build the BVH with or without the surface area heuristic (SAH). For instances and motion blur, a two level BVH is used, which enables very efficient object transformations (translation, rotation, scaling) at virtually no cost. 

AMD's own graphs show that their OpenCL renderer is roughly 10x faster running on 2 D700 FirePro GPUs than Embree running on the CPU:

There are already a few OpenCL based path tracers available today such as Blender's Cycles engine and LuxRays (even V-Ray RT GPU was OpenCL based at some point), but none of them have been able to challenge their CUDA based GPU rendering brethren. AMD's OpenCL dev tools have historically been lagging behind Nvidia's CUDA SDK tools which made compiling large and complex OpenCL kernels a nightmare (splitting the megakernel in smaller parts was the only option). Hopefully the OpenCL developer tools have gotten a makeover as well with the release of this SDK, but at least I'm happy to see AMD taking GPU ray tracing serious. This move could truly bring superfast GPU rendering to the masses and with the two big GPU vendors in the ray tracing race, there will hopefully be more ray tracing specific hardware improvements in future GPU architectures.

(thanks heaps to CPFUUU for pointing me to this)

UPDATE: Alex Evans from Media Molecule had a great talk at Siggraph 2015 about his research into raymarching signed distance fields for Dreams. Alex Evans is currently probably the biggest innovator in real-time game rendering since John Carmack (especially since Carmack spends all his time on VR now, which is a real shame). Alex's presentation can be downloaded from http://www.mediamolecule.com/blog/article/siggraph_2015 and is well worth reading. It sums up a bunch of approaches to rendering voxels, signed distance fields and global illumination in real-time that ultimately were not as successful as hoped, but they came very close to real-time on the PS4 (and research is still ongoing).

For people interested in the real-world physics of light bouncing, there was also this very impressive video from Karoly Zsolnai about ultra high speed femto-photography cameras able to shoot images at the speed of light, demonstrating how light propagates and is transprorted as an electromagnetic wave through a scene, illuminating objects a fraction of a nanosecond before their mirror image becomes visible:

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Brand new GPU path tracing research from Nvidia and AMD

A very interesting paper called "Gradient domain path tracing" was just published by Nvidia researchers (coming from the same incredibly talented Helsinki university research group as Timo Aila, Samuli Laine and Tero Karras who developed highly optimized open source CUDA ray tracing kernels for Tesla, Fermi and Kepler GPUs), describing a new technique derived from the ideas in the paper Gradient domain Metropolis Light Transport, which drastically reduces noise without blurring details. 
We introduce gradient-domain rendering for Monte Carlo image synthesis. While previous gradient-domain Metropolis Light Transport sought to distribute more samples in areas of high gradients, we show, in contrast, that estimating image gradients is also possible using standard (non-Metropolis) Monte Carlo algorithms, and furthermore, that even without changing the sample distribution, this often leads to significant error reduction. This broadens the applicability of gradient rendering considerably. To gain insight into the conditions under which gradient-domain sampling is beneficial, we present a frequency analysis that compares Monte Carlo sampling of gradients followed by Poisson reconstruction to traditional Monte Carlo sampling. Finally, we describe Gradient-Domain Path Tracing (G-PT), a relatively simple modification of the standard path tracing algorithm that can yield far superior results. 
This picture shows a noise comparison between gradient domain path tracing (GPT) and regular path tracing (PT). Computing a sample with the new technique is about 2.5x slower, but path tracing noise seems to clear up much faster, far outweighing the computational overhead: 

More images and details of the technique can be found in https://mediatech.aalto.fi/publications/graphics/GPT/kettunen2015siggraph_paper.pdf

Related to the previous post about using real-time ray tracing for augmented reality, a brand new Nvidia paper titled "Filtering Environment Illumination for Interactive Physically-Based Rendering in Mixed Reality" demonstrates the feasibility of real-time Monte Carlo path tracing for augmented or mixed reality: 
Physically correct rendering of environment illumination has been a long-standing challenge in interactive graphics, since Monte-Carlo ray-tracing requires thousands of rays per pixel. We propose accurate filtering of a noisy Monte-Carlo image using Fourier analysis. Our novel analysis extends previous works by showing that the shape of illumination spectra is not always a line or wedge, as in previous approximations, but rather an ellipsoid. Our primary contribution is an axis-aligned filtering scheme that preserves the frequency content of the illumination. We also propose a novel application of our technique to mixed reality scenes, in which virtual objects are inserted into a real video stream so as to become indistinguishable from the real objects. The virtual objects must be shaded with the real lighting conditions, and the mutual illumination between real and virtual objects must also be determined. For this, we demonstrate a novel two-mode path tracing approach that allows ray-tracing a scene with image-based real geometry and mesh-based virtual geometry. Finally, we are able to de-noise a sparsely sampled image and render physically correct mixed reality scenes at over 5 fps on the GPU.

While Nvidia is certainly at the forefront of GPU path tracing research (with CUDA), AMD has recently begun venturing into GPU rendering as well and has previewed its own OpenCL based path tracer at the Siggraph 2014 conference. The path tracer is developed by Takahiro Harada, who is a bit of an OpenCL rendering genius. He recently published an article in GPU Pro 6 about rendering on-the-fly vector displacement mapping with OpenCL based GPU path tracing. Vector displacement mapping differs from regular displacement mapping in that it allows the extrusion of overlapping geometry (eg a mushroom), which is not possible with the heightfield-like displacement provided by traditional displacement (the Renderman vector displacement documentation explains this nicely with pictures).

Slides from http://www.slideshare.net/takahiroharada/introduction-to-monte-carlo-ray-tracing-opencl-implementation-cedec-2014:

This video shows off the new technique, rendering in near-realtime on the GPU:

There's more info on Takahiro's personal page, along with some really interesting slideshow presentations about OpenCL based ray tracing. This guy also developed a new technique called "Foveated real-time ray tracing for virtual reality devices" (paper), progressively focusing more samples on the parts in the image where the eyes are looking (determined by eye/pupil tracking), "reducing the number of pixels to shade by 1/20, achieving 75 fps while preserving the same visual quality" (source: http://research.lighttransport.com/foveated-real-time-ray-tracing-for-virtual-reality-headset/asset/abstract.pdf). Foveated rendering takes advantage of the fact that the human retina is most sensitive in its center (the "fovea", which contains densely packed colour sensitive cones) where objects' contours and colours are sharply observed, while the periphery of the retina consists mostly of sparsely distributed, colour insensitive rods, which cause objects in the periphery of the visual field to be represented by the brain as blurry blobs (although we do not consciously perceive it like that, thinking that our entire visual field is sharply defined and has colour).
This graph shows that the resolution of the retina is highest at the fovea and drops off quickly with increasing distance from the center. This is due to the fact that the fovea contains only cones which each send individual inputs over the optic fibre (maximizing resolution), while the inputs from several rods in the periphery of the retina are merged by the retinal nerve cells before reaching the optic nerve (image from www.telescope-optics.net/eye.htm):

Foveated rendering has the potential to make high quality real-time raytraced imagery feasible on VR headsets that support eye tracking like the recently Kickstarted FOVE VR headset. Using ray tracing for foveated rendering is also much more efficient than using rasterisation: ray tracing allows for sparse loading and sampling of the scene geometry in the periphery of the visual field, while rasterisation needs to load and project all geometry in the viewplane, whether it's sampled or not.

Slides from www.slideshare.net/takahiroharada/foveated-ray-tracing-for-vr-on-multiple-gpus

This video shows a working prototype of the FOVE VR headset with a tracking beam to control which parts of the scene are in focus, so this type of real-time ray traced (or path traced) foveated rendering should be possible right now, (which is pretty exciting):

It's good to finally see AMD stepping up its OpenCL game with its own GPU path tracer. Another example of this greater engagement is that AMD recently released a large patch to fix the OpenCL performance of Blender's Cycles renderer on AMD cards. Hopefully it will put some pressure on Nvidia and make GPU rendering as exciting as in 2010 with the release of the Fermi GPU, a GPGPU computing monster which effectively doubled the CUDA ray tracing performance compared to the previous generation. 

Rendering stuff aside, today is a very important day: for the first time in their 115 year long existence, the Buffalo's from AA Gent, my hometown's football team, have won the title in the Belgian Premier League, giving them a direct ticket to the Champions League. This calls for a proper celebration!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Real-time ray traced augmented reality for surgeons

With last month's unveiling of Microsoft's augmented reality glasses project dubbed "HoloLens", today's announcement of Sony's plans to release a similar AR device called the "SmartEyeGlass", and with more details surfacing on Magic Leap's retina projecting fiber optic AR glasses (cleverly reconstructed from publicly available patents by a Gizmodo journalist), the hype around augmented reality seems to be reaching a peak at the moment. Unfortunately, most of the use cases for these technologies that have been demonstrated so far, for example husbands assisting their wives with screwing a new syphon on a sink, projecting the weather forecast for Maui on the kitchen wall or casually investigating a suspicious rock on the surface of Mars, look either gimmicky, far-fetched or both. 

The area where I see a real and immediate use for these high tech AR devices is in the operating room. In my previous life as a medical student, I've spent quite some time in the operating theatre watching surgeons frantically checking if they were cutting the right part of the brain by placing a sharp needle-like pointer (with motion capture dots) on or inside the brain of the patient. The position of the pointer was picked up by 3 infrared cameras and a monitor showed the position of the needle tip in real-time on three 2D views (front, top and side) of the brain reconstructed from CT or MRI scans. This 3D navigation technique is called stereotactic neurosurgery and is an invaluable tool to guide neurosurgical interventions.    

Instruments for stereotactic surgery (from here)

While I was amazed at the accuracy and usefulness of this high tech procedure, I was also imagining ways to improve it, because every time the surgeon checks the position of the pointer on the monitor, he or she loses visual contact with the operating field and "blindly" guiding instruments inside the body is not recommended. A real-time three-dimensional augmented reality overlay that can be viewed from any angle, showing the relative position of the organs of interest (which might be partially or fully covered by other organs and tissues like skin, muscle, fat or bone) would be tremendously helpful provided that the AR display device minimally interferes with the surgical intervention and the augmented 3D images are of such a quality that they seamlessly blend with the real world. The recently announced wearable AR glasses by MS, Sony and Magic Leap seem to take care of the former, but for the latter there is no readily available solution yet. This is where I think real-time ray tracing will play a major role: ray tracing is the highest quality method to visualise medical volumetric data reconstructed from CT and MRI scans. It's actually possible to extend a volume ray caster with physically accurate lighting (soft shadows, ambient occlusion and indirect lighting) to add visual depth cues and have it running in real-time on a machine with multiple high end GPUs. The results are frighteningly realistic. I for one can't wait to test it with one of these magical glasses.

As an update to my previous post, the people behind Scratch-a-Pixel have launched a v2.0 website, featuring improved and better organised content (still work in progress, but the old website can still be accessed). It's by far the best resource to learn ray tracing programming for both novices (non engineers) and experts. Once you've conquered all the content on Scratch-a-Pixel, I recommend taking a look at the following ray tracing tutorials that come with source code:

- smallpt  from Kevin Beason: an impressively tiny path tracer in 100 lines of C++ code. Make sure to read David Cline's slides which explain the background details of this marvel. 

- Rayito, by Mike Farnsworth from Renderspud (currently at Solid Angle working on Arnold Render): a very neatly coded ray/path tracer in C++, featuring path tracing, stratified sampling, lens aperture (depth of field), a simple BVH (with median split), Qt GUI, triangle meshes with obj parser, diffuse/glossy materials, motion blur and a transformation system. Not superfast because of code clarity, but a great way to get familiar with the architecture of a ray tracer

-  Renderer 2.x: a CUDA and C++ ray tracer, featuring a SAH BVH (built with the surface area heuristic for better performance), triangle meshes, a simple GUI and ambient occlusion

- Peter and Karl's GPU path tracer: a simple, but very fast open source GPU path tracer which supports sphere primitives, raytraced depth of field and subsurface scattering (SSS)
If you're still not satisfied after that and want a deeper understanding, consider the following books:
- "Realistic ray tracing" by Peter Shirley, 
- "Ray tracing from the ground up" by Kevin Suffern, 
- "Principles of Digital Image Synthesis" by Andrew Glassner, a fantastic and huge resource, freely available here, which also covers signal processing techniques like Fourier transforms and wavelets (if your calculus is a bit rusty, check out Khan academy, a great open online platform for engineering level mathematics)
- "Advanced global illumination" by Philip DutrĂ©, Kavita Bala and Philippe Bekaert, another superb resource, covering finite element radiosity and Monte Carlo rendering techniques (path tracing, bidirectional path tracing, Metropolis light transport, importance sampling, ...)